Fekra Consulting is an IT Services company specialized in consulting, implementation and maintenance of software solutions.
We guide and support companies in their business and digital transformation within our experts in industrial, services, banking & finance domains.
For more than 10 years we have been supporting our customers in their IT integration projects, our experience allows us to be proactive in managing their problems and finding the solution fit to the business requirements
Our company spirit drives us to develop a strong and close partnership with our clients, sharing a leading team spirit way of working, respecting, adopting and contributing to the culture and values of our clients.
We are 200 consultants in France and abroad with a strong and wide knowledge over IFS Applications solution.
Fekra Consulting is an IT Services company specialized in consulting, implementation and maintenance of software solutions.
We guide and support companies in their business and digital transformation within our experts in industrial, services, banking & finance domains.
For more than 10 years we have been supporting our customers in their IT integration projects, our experience allows us to be proactive in managing their problems and finding the solution fit to the business requirements
Our company spirit drives us to develop a strong and close partnership with our clients, sharing a leading team spirit way of working, respecting, adopting and contributing to the culture and values of our clients.
We are 200 consultants in France and abroad with a strong and wide knowledge over IFS Applications solution.
ARC Global Services annonce l’arrivée d’Alexandre JEANNE au poste de Directeur général à compter du 1er décembre 2023. Avec cette nomination, ARC Global Services entend accélérer sa croissance au travers du développement de ses métiers et de ses partenariats. « Au nom de tous les collaborateurs d’ARC Global Services, je souhaite la bienvenue à Alexandre. […]
ARC Global Services a mené sa première enquête de satisfaction auprès de ses salariés. Nous sommes heureux et fiers de publier ici un extrait des résultats. Merci à tous nos salariés pour leur engagement au quotidien !
Du 26 septembre au 10 octobre, avec le support des équipes des Ateliers Durables, les salariés d’ARC Global Services ont suivi un premier cycle de formation aux axes prioritaires de notre démarche RSE, sous forme d’un petit déjeuner atelier alternatif et responsable, avant 3 séminaires sur la vitalité au travail, le travail en open […]
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